In this article we will look at indexing documents to solr cloud in near real time. The indexed documents are available for search immediately.
Familiarity with Solr is assumed.
We will take the example of indexing log files using a mapreduce job into solr.
The contents of the log file looks like:
08-01-2014 09:34:44,INFO,user1,tid0,DELETE,SUCCESS 08-01-2014 09:34:44,ERROR,user0,tid1,UPDATE,FAILURE 08-01-2014 09:34:45,INFO,user1,tid2,DELETE,SUCCESS |
The comma separated values being tiemstamp, log level, username, action and status.
We will index documents to Solr Cloud so the log contents can be analyzed via solr search.
We will use a Mapper to read the log files. The Mapper will read each line of the log files and emit the line as a LogMessageWritable vlaue.
public class LogMessageWritable implements Writable { private Text timestamp, logLevel, user, tid, action; private String status; public LogMessageWritable() { this.timestamp = new Text(); this.logLevel = new Text(); this.user = new Text(); this.tid = new Text(); this.action = new Text(); status = ""; } ....... |
The Mapper class :
public static class LogLoadMapper extends Mapper @Override public void map(LongWritable key, Text line, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { LogMessageWritable logmessage = parseLog(line); if(logmessage != null) { context.write(logmessage.getUser(), logmessage); } } |
The Reducer Class :
public static class LogLoadReducer extends Reducer<Text, LogMessageWritable, NullWritable, Text> private CloudSolrServer solrServer = null; private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); private int docBatchSize = 1000; ...... @Override public void reduce(Text key, Iterable List for(LogMessageWritable value:values) { SolrInputDocument doc = createSolrDocument(value); doclist.add(doc); if(doclist.size() == docBatchSize) { addBatchToSolr(doclist); doclist.clear(); } if(doclist.size() > 0) { addBatchToSolr(doclist);//last documents less than batch size if any } } } ...... |
This code commits and updates live solr index so changes are visible immedialtely.
Please check with your requirements regarding commit requirements and preformance.
This might cause a bottleneck for bulk indexing.
Take a look at soft/hard commits and its effects for bulk indexing.
Refer to the code at github for full example :
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